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Portfolio and expertise strengthened

Endress+Hauser exclusively markets SICK’s gas analysis and flow measurement technology worldwide

Data di pubblicazione: 03.03.2025

Advanced gas analysis and flow measurement technology now expands Endress+Hauser’s comprehensive instrumentation portfolio. This results from a strategic partnership in the field of process automation with the German sensor specialist SICK. It allows customers to access a broader range of products from a single source and benefit from enhanced expertise in gas analysis and measurement technology.

Newly formed sales and service teams are ready

The collaboration is designed to offer plant operators enhanced support in increasing efficiency, protecting the environment and reducing carbon footprint. Around 800 sales and service employees from SICK have transferred to Endress+Hauser across 42 countries. The newly formed sales and service teams for gas analysis and flow measurement technology at Endress+Hauser are ready to provide support around the globe, and reflects the expanded range of products, solutions and services.

Joint venture for development and manufacturing

The production and further development of the gas analyzers and flowmeters were brought together under the umbrella of Endress+Hauser SICK GmbH+Co. KG. Endress+Hauser and SICK each hold 50 percent of the joint venture. The company employs around 730 people at several German sites and will collaborate closely with Endress+Hauser’s product centers to drive product innovation and meet evolving market demands.

Measurement technology for sustainable transformation

The gas analyzers and flowmeters are used primarily in waste incineration and power plants, steelworks and cement works, in the oil & gas industry, in chemical and petrochemical plants, and in maritime applications. These technologies are crucial for tasks such as emissions monitoring in flue gas cleaning and the measurement of natural gas and hydrogen flows and thus support the sustainable transformation of the process industry.

SICK’s core business not covered by the partnership

SICK is one of the world’s leading solutions providers for sensor-based applications in the industrial sector. Endress+Hauser and SICK have a history of successful collaboration on an order, project and customer basis. SICK’s core business of factory and logistics automation, which accounts for more than 80 percent of sales, will not be affected by this partnership.

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