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Endress+Hauser Middle East

Serving the region, from the region

Endress+Hauser Middle East drives the development, growth and productivity of sales organizations and our representatives in the Middle East region. Ensuring that customers' needs are met effectively in areas of sales, service, training, solutions and project handling across different industries holds priority.

Endress+Hauser office in UAE, Dubai ©Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser Middle East office in Dubai, UAE

'' We can depend on them for solutions and support. They do a great job! '' Mohamed Ahmed Yousef Abdulrahman, Civil Engineer, Al Mansoori Production Services LLC, UAE

  • Amministratore delegato

    Tariq Bakeer

  • Anno di fondazione


  • Numero di dipendenti


  • Regioni supportate

    Middle East

Our offerings include -

  • Driving process excellence through digital transformation

  • Trainings offered on varied product and industry topics. Online and hands on trainings offered.

  • A robust service portfolio to support and optimize your processes

  • Coordination and project management of international projects in the region

  • Complete field instrumentation package for process industries for Flow, Level, Pressure, Temperature, Liquid Analysis, Tank Farm Terminal management, Asset management, Inventory control and solutions to improve productivity while lowering your costs

  • Vendite
  • Rappresentanza



    Termini e condizioni generali di fornitura

    Le società del Gruppo Endress+Hauser con sede in Svizzera