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Endress+Hauser AB

Responsible for sales and after-sales services on the Swedish market

Endress+Hauser AB is a subsidiary of the Endress+Hauser Group. As a subsidiary, we are responsible for the sale of products and services on the Swedish market. The company was established in Sweden in 1967 and had a primary focus on level measurement. Over time, the offering has expanded and today we are a leading supplier of process instrumentation. We currently have about 50 employees with headquarters in Stockholm and regional offices in Malmö, Gothenburg, Sundsvall and Piteå.

CEO Stefan Björkegren ©Endress+Hauser
  • Amministratore delegato

    Stefan Björkegren

  • Anno di fondazione


  • Numero di dipendenti

    53 employees

  • Vendite



    ISO-14001-9001 sv.pdf