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Closer to the customer

Analytik Jena opens Swiss branch office at the Endress+Hauser headquarters in Reinach

Data di pubblicazione: 28.10.2015

“This step is part of our strategy to further expand our international sales structure and to establish our own organization and direct sales wherever tangible growth potential is recognized,” says Klaus Berka, CEO of Analytik Jena AG. “We are growing internationally and, with our own structures, can better address the requirements of our customers around the world.”

“The Analytik Jena branch office helps us to pursue our aim of supporting customers from the lab into the rest of the process,” explains Dirk Neirinck, Managing Director of Endress+Hauser Consult AG. The Swiss sales company of the specialist in measurement and automation technology is located inside the same building; Endress+Hauser manufactures cutting-edge flow measurement technology in the immediate vicinity.

With the new branch office, Analytik Jena will initially ensure direct service and supply for Analytical Instrumentation customers in the Swiss market. The chemical-pharmaceutical sector, which along with mechanical engineering is among the most important industrial sectors in Switzerland, offers much growth potential for Analytik Jena.

“We intend to expand direct sales in our largest business unit and strengthen our market presence. We are also opening up the opportunity to break into new regions and, through local support, generate market shares particularly in the French-speaking region of Switzerland. As a result, we will be much closer to the customer,” says Berka.

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