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Social Day 2024

Endress+Hauser employees are committed to social and ecological projects in the Reinach region and surrounding area

Data di pubblicazione: 24.09.2024

Endress+Hauser Digital Solutions' Social Day took place on Friday, 20 September 2024. Every two years, the company's employees put their usual work tasks aside for a day and support social or ecological projects in the region. Five projects involving a total of 47 employees were implemented this year.

Focus on responsibility and community

The Social Day is an expression of Endress+Hauser's long-standing commitment to the community and the environment. The employees' efforts aim to make a positive contribution and underline the company's commitment to social responsibility and sustainable action.

“The Social Day is organized every two years by employees of the company. Endress+Hauser supports this event by crediting the time worked,” says Dr Rolf Birkhofer, Managing Director at Endress+Hauser Digital Solutions. “We are delighted that numerous volunteers came forward again this year and supported the various projects with a great deal of effort and passion."

Diverse projects in the region

The projects in which the volunteers are involved in are diverse. They contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and provide a valuable habitat for numerous animal species. For example, as part of nature and bird protection in Reinach, hedges are cleared, meadow and forest edges are maintained and help is provided with work in the orchard.

Another project at the residential and office center for the physically disabled (WBZ) in Reinach involves preparing the traditional flea market for the residents. This involves sorting goods and refurbishing furniture in order to support the care staff and to make contact and exchange ideas with the residents.

In a kindergarten in Tüllingen (DE), a group of volunteers is helping to improve the learn and play areas for children. This includes looking after the outdoor facilities and garden, renovating the building and play areas and maintaining play equipment. The Sonnenschein day nursery in Schliengen (DE) is delighted to have a garden shed and a newly created barefoot path.


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