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Endress+Hauser in the finals of the German Sustainability Award

Independent foundation honors pioneers for ecological and social commitment in 100 sectors

Data di pubblicazione: 26.08.2024

The German Sustainability Award (GSA) is recognized as Europe’s largest award for ecological and social commitment. Every year since 2008, the independent German Sustainability Award Foundation has honored players from business, science and the public sector for their contributions to sustainable transformation. An expert jury nominated Endress+Hauser in the measurement and control technology sector. Now the top three in this category have been chosen and Endress+Hauser is one of the finalists.

Partner for sustainable transformation

As a family-owned company, Endress+Hauser wants to contribute to a sustainable world. Last year, the Group joined the Science Based Targets initiative with the aim of reducing its own carbon footprint to net zero by 2050.

At the same time, Endress+Hauser sees itself as a partner for the sustainable transformation of the process industry. Its measurement technology products, solutions and services help customers in the process industry to increase their energy and resource efficiency and achieve climate and environmental protection targets.

Transparent processes and objective criteria

The GSA aims to promote the sustainable development of important aspects of society. The award is based on demanding assessments. Transparent processes and objective criteria allow the nominated companies and organizations to further improve their sustainability performance. The GSA is presented as part of the German Sustainability Day, one of the leading initiatives of its kind. This year’s winners will be announced there on 28 November 2024.


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