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Craft Beer

Securing beer quality

On-site PCR based testing for the brewing industry

Simplify beer quality testing with a system that automates the complete workflow from sample to answer.

Brewer holding beer ©Endress+Hauser

Brewing with pride and passion...

Beer Testing Hero Images/Strandperle

... and making sure every batch is just right.

In brewing, quality is key. We understand that beer’s natural defenses – like low pH, high CO₂, ample alcohol, and hop acids – are just the beginning. Even with these barriers, some bacteria have evolved with e.g. hop resistance genes, now growing where they shouldn’t.

While these bacteria don’t harm us, they can spoil a good brew by causing off-flavors or discoloration. That is where we come in.

Automated PCR analysis

The products for the brewing industry are designed for:

  • Controlling hygiene in every step of the brewing & bottling process

  • Complementing classic microbiology to quickly confirm microbiological results

  • Simple and fast identification of microbiological findings or ambiguous results

  • Detecting hop resistance genes in addition to classic microbiology

  • Automated data analysis without manual interpretation

Simplify quality control in brewing

Bad batches cost time and resources

By saving resources, waste can be minimized. Contamination can be detected early and treated right away. This reduces downtime ensuring smoother operations. The same applies to additional cleanings - they are time-consuming, prevent on-time deliveries and generate costs.

Late detection increases risk

By identifying issues in production directly, the risk of late detection is reduced. This way, fast results can ensure quick decision making.

Simplify consistency in brewing

A bad batch affects customer satisfaction

By maintaining high standards in every brew, achieving consistent branding becomes easier. This preserves the brand’s trust and reputation. Additionally, customers can be confident that the beer is made sustainably.


The Endress+Hauser BioSense Analysis System uses the universal Device BAB00 and special application-specific Kits to automate the entire laboratory process from sample to result.

Find out more here!

Kits for beer quality testing

The Kits can be used to analyse beer samples, swab samples, samples after enrichment and colonies on culture plates.

Spoilage Bacteria Ident v2

  • Identification of L. brevis, horA & horC gene

Spoilage Bacteria Ident L

  • Identification of 6 spoilage bacteria (L. brevis, L. backii, L. rossiae, L. acetotolerans, L. lindneri, P. damnosus), horA & horC gene

Spoilage Bacteria Screen

  • Screening for the 4 most important bacterial groups (Lactobacillus, Pediococcus, Pectinatus, Megasphaera), horA & horC gene

Kit for water quality testing

Water Quality Detect

  • Testing water & swab samples, colonies on culture plates

  • Identification of Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococci, E. coli incl. Shigella

More detailed information and the option to request a quotation have been added to the market sites in which the products are available (DE, AT, CH). However, enquiries from other markets are welcome and will be reviewed by us. Please message us using the contact form.


  • Simple – the user-friendly system streamlines quality testing, allowing brewers to quickly check for spoilage without needing specialized personnel or laboratory equipment.

  • Fast – state-of-the-art microfluidic automation delivers rapid results, accelerating decision-making to ensure the best quality beer.

  • On-site – the compact design of the system makes it possible to perform PCR directly on-site, keeping the entire quality control process within the brewery.

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