The high modular thermometer is used for several applications with harsh environments, e.g. in power plants, refineries or in the chemical or petrochemical industry. The robust device with barstock thermowell and flange connection in SS316 or INCONEL600 and different head transmitter is a complete unit ready for use with enhanced measurement accuracy and reliability.
The TH14 temperature sensors are RTD assemblies installed in thermowells and designed for use in all types of process industries, including harsh environments, due to their rugged design. They are made up of a measurement probe with an insulated RTD element, sheath and a thermowell made of barstock material.
The sensor assemblies can be used in process industries such as:
Power plants
Offshore platforms
High flexibility due to modular assembly with standard terminal heads and customized immersion length
One source shopping for temperature measurement solutions. World class transmitter with integrated sensor offering for heavy process industry applications. Remove and install straight out of the box!
Improved galvanic isolation on most devices (2 kV)
Simplified model structure: Competitively priced, offers great value. Easy to order and reorder. A single model number includes sensor and transmitter assembly for a complete point solution
All iTEMP® transmitters provide long term stability ≤ 0.05 % per year
Fast response time with reduced/tapered tip form
Head transmitter with easy selection: Analog output 4 to 20 mA, HART®, PROFIBUS® PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus™
Extended Auswahl
Maximaler Leistungsumfang für breiten Einsatzbereich
Um den Herausforderungen der Temperaturüberwachung solch kritischer Prozesse gerecht zu werden, wurde ein Schutzrohr entwickelt, das bis zu fünfmal schneller auf Prozessänderungen reagiert als Standarddesigns.
Die Innentemperatur der Reaktoren während der Schwefelreaktion muss kontinuierlich und genau überwacht werden, um Anlagenstillstände zu vermeiden und den Energieverbrauch zu optimieren.
Aktiver Speisetrenner, 1 kanalig für 4 ... 20 mA, HART® transparent mit 24 ... 230 V AC/DC sowie aktiv/passiv Ein- und Ausgang, optional mit SIL und Ex
Aktiver Speisetrenner, 1 kanalig für 4 ... 20 mA, HART® transparent mit 24 ... 230 V AC/DC sowie aktiv/passiv Ein- und Ausgang, optional mit SIL und Ex
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