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  • Historique
Plant safety

Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)

Maximum safety when using pressurized measuring devices

Pressurized equipment on any system in industrial applications must satisfy specific requirements and legal regulations. This also includes individual pressure testing as standard as well as comprehensive weld and material tests and checks


  • Optional for flowmeters: All required materials, tests and verification associated with full implementation of the AD 2000 regulations

Maximum safety in all pressurized applications

PED ©Endress+Hauser

In Europe the PED (Pressure Equipment Directive) regulates the requirements for pressure equipment. This law is implemented in the form of the 14th Ordinance on the Product Safety Act in Germany. The PED guidelines apply to the design, manufacture and conformity evaluation of pressure devices and pressure device components with a maximum permitted pressure of more than 0.5 bar above atmospheric pressure.

The devices typically involved are flowmeters and sensors with pipes exceeding DN 25 as well as individual pressure and level measuring devices.


  • Individual pressure test for all flowmeters with nominal diameters exceeding DN 25

  • Optionally available for devices with nominal diameters smaller than DN 25

  • Dye penetration tests for checking joints

  • PMI (Positive Material Identification) for verification of the materials used

  • Material certification with 3.1 certificates

  • Optional individual X-ray tests of welding seams and much more.

Optional in the case of flow measurements: All required materials, tests and verification associated with full implementation of the AD 2000 regulations:

  1. Regulation requirements

  2. Requirements for production and testing

  3. Including manufacturer's declaration on request

Pressure Equipment Directive
  • Produits simples

  • Facile à sélectionner, à installer et à utiliser

Excellence technique


  • Produits standard

  • Fiable, robuste et effort de maintenance réduit

Excellence technique


  • Produits haut de gamme

  • Hautement fonctionnel et pratique

Excellence technique


  • Produits spécialisés

  • Conçu pour les applications exigeantes

Excellence technique



FLEX selections Excellence technique Simplicité
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Fundamental selection

Parfait pour les applications de base

Excellence technique
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Lean selection

Performances optimales pour piloter les applications standards

Excellence technique
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Extended selection

Fonctionnalités avancées pour maximiser vos process

Excellence technique
  • F
  • L
  • E
  • X

Xpert selection

Performances exceptionnelles pour applications exigeantes

Excellence technique



    • Certificat de l'entreprise
    Beispiel Bild TÜV-Bescheinigung Druckgeräterichtline DRGL/PED/

    Bescheinigungen/Zertifikate Druckgeräterichtline

    • Certificat de l'entreprise

    Bescheinigungen/Zertifikate Druckgeräterichtline