iTHERM TrustSens
Does a thermometer really measure the right value?
To answer this question, plant operators in the Life Sciences and Food and Beverage industries must regularly disassemble their measuring instruments for calibration - in extreme cases after every single batch.
Risk and cost reduction thanks to self-calibration
In the Life Sciences and Food and Beverage industries
the temperature parameter has the greatest influence on the product quality. For example, only with the right temperature, cooking oil does not become rancid when heated, milk is pasteurized and cells in bio reactors can multiply optimally in the production of pharmaceuticals.
In order to comply with GMP quality guidelines, the thermometers must be recalibrated at certain intervals. In large plants, this happens several times a year or even weekly at hundreds of measuring points.
Mit dem iTHERM TrustSens wurde ein Thermometer entwickelt,
The iTHERM TrustSens was developed with a continuous self-calibrating function.
The innovative industry-4.0 technology is based on the fixed point calibration normally only carried out in laboratories and uses the physical phenomenon of the Curie Temperature. The iTHERM TrustSens also stores all data of the last 350 calibration points electronically. With a asset management software such as FieldCare, this information can be read out and calibration certificates can be created automatically.
Ten years of research and development have gone into the iTHERM TrustSens. In addition to Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH, the sensor specialist Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG, which belongs to the Endress+Hauser Group, and the Technical University of Ilmenau, also plant operators were closely involved right from the start.
All lights are green for iTHERM TrustSens
Broschüre: Temperaturmesstechnik TrustSens TM37x (CP01302T)
Thermometer und Systemproduktefür die Branchen Food & Beverage und Life Sciences Temperaturmesstechnik
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Anmeldung TrustSens Testmessung.pdf