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  • Historique

Endress+Hauser celebrates its anniversary

Group looks back on 65 years of success

Date de publication: 01.02.2018

The cornerstone of this success was laid by Swiss engineer Georg H Endress and German banker Ludwig Hauser on 1 February 1953. With a small company focused on selling innovative electronic level measurement instruments, the two men discovered a market niche. It wasn’t long before Endress+Hauser developed its own devices and entered more and more new fields of activity and marketplaces.

Today Endress+Hauser offers sales and support in 125 countries and produces in every major economic region of the world. The company has been a full-range provider of process instrumentation for many years. Recently the Group strengthened the area of process analysis with acquisitions and tapped the laboratory analysis market through the takeover of German company Analytik Jena. Apart from this strategic focus, the company’s development is being spurred heavily by digitalization.

The family company’s structure and culture continues to provide a high degree of continuity, providing a framework for growing the business over the long term and stimulating innovation. At the same time, the company is built on a foundation of clear principles and strong values. From the beginning, Georg H Endress emphasized a customer focus through his motto ‘First serve, then earn.’ His trust in people and their abilities is still ingrained in the company today.

Matthias Altendorf has been CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group since 2014, replacing Klaus Endress who took over as President of the Supervisory Board after 19 years at the helm of the company. He represents, together with his brother Hans-Peter Endress, the interests of the family, which continues its involvement in ensuring the company’s ongoing success.



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