IFS-compliant calibration service for the food industry
Calibration of relevant measuring devices: From energy monitoring to short-term heating
Legal and industry-specific requirements, such as IFS and GMP, are consistently raising the bar in terms of quality standards in the food and beverage industry. The regular calibration of quality-relevant measuring devices using innovative methods helps managers to deliver sustainable high product quality while ensuring the cost-efficiency of the processes. Using an accredited calibration service provider allows companies to trace calibration quality.
The non-proprietary calibration of all measuring devices and process parameters saves time and reduces costs and coordination effort
As we calibrate in real-life conditions directly at your facility, we achieve more accurate calibration results. Time-saving in-line concepts, which do not require disassembly of your equipment, boost your plant availability.
Endress+Hauser's processes, certified to ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, guarantee high-quality calibration results, ensuring that you satisfy all requirements (IFS, GMP, HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 50001)
Calibration agreements for cost savings and planning security
Compliance with IFS 6.0: SAS-accredited calibration in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025, including transparent documentation, for a guaranteed audit pass

Requirements and regulations for safety, quality, and reliability in the food industry are becoming increasingly strict – and calibration is gaining in importance in the day-to-day operation of your facility. The regulations focus on measuring devices linked to a quality (ISO 9001, HACCP, IFS, or GMP) or energy management system (ISO 50001). Our fully traceable calibration service will provide you with the highest degree of reliability for your measurement accuracy.
To help you meet the high standards required in the food industry, we can support you with our calibration services in the areas listed below. Time-saving in-line concepts, which do not require disassembly of your equipment, boost your plant availability.
Calibration of heaters and CIP facilities
The calibration of measuring points in heaters is the only way to guarantee the reliability of the preservation and the quality of liquid foodstuffs. The same applies to CIP facilities: Optimum cleaning is only guaranteed when cleaning agents, flow speed, and temperature are precisely controlled. Endress+Hauser's on-site calibrations of the parameters electrical conductivity, temperature and flow boost plant quality and reliability and reduce operating costs.
Complete solutions for energy and steam measuring points
Rising energy costs and the precise billing of these costs are issues that are gaining in significance. We can support you with our accredited calibration service. Endress+Hauser can check and calibrate the relevant measuring points and then calculate overall accuracy, taking the installation position into account. This approach ensures that your accuracy data for energy measurement points is correct, and allows you to generate precise energy bills while optimizing your costs.
On-site density calibration – unique and traceable

We use a patent-pending mobile system developed by Endress+Hauser with Promass F (special density calibrated) as a high-precision reference device for on-site density calibration. You can benefit from the most accurate density measurement under real-life process conditions at your facility. Endress+Hauser's traceable on-site density calibration is unique. This and other calibration services are not limited to Endress+Hauser density measuring devices; they are completely non-proprietary.
Our calibration technicians possess extensive knowledge of measurement technologies and many years of experience in the food industry. Furthermore, as one of the leading manufacturers of measurement technology, we can not only calibrate your devices, but also rapidly and efficiently adjust, repair, or replace devices that are no longer functional. This service frees up your maintenance team and allows you to focus on improving plant availability. You alone decide how you want us to support you.

Further information
The benefits of our calibration service >>>
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Einzigartige Kalibrierkompetenz (CP01102H)
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